The NEW SITE is here!
Welcome, welcome!

Wipe your feet on the mat, take your coat off and come on in. Here’s the new-look version of, just in time for the buildup to April’s release of EVERYONE PAYS from Thomas & Mercer Books.
There’s a lot you can do here so poke around and see the new SethHarwoodDotCom Q&A Page — where you can ask me questions. My new site also has all the free podcasts of my early books, links to E-books at Amazon, contact information, and all that good stuff you’d expect!
If you’d like to see something else come up here, drop me a line! Let me know what I should post next. I’d love to hear from you. Check back soon, I’ll have links to SIGNED COPIES and other goodies… coming soon.
- Buy EVERYONE PAYS from Amazon.
- Find out how to get in touch, check out my CONTACTS Page.
- Have questions? I’ve got answers at my Q&A Page.
Hello, Seth. Where is your picture? I am looking forward to Everyone Pays, but I am having a very hard time imagining how it can possibly be better than Young Junius or In Broad Daylight. I’ll have to see. 🙂
Hi Mary, thanks! I’ll have to get more pics up here. Actually, next post is a video about the new book so you’ll see me there!
I really think this is the best book I’ve written so far! Keep me posted on your thoughts!
Hi Seth
I really enjoyed your audio versions of the Jack Palms series hope you have more planned for Jack, your In Broad Daylight was a great story as well as Young Junius. You show great range and talent with 3 different main characters first a washed up Hollywood movie star reformed drug addict turned hero and than a female FBI agent and last but certainly not least a young African American boy from the projects on a mission heart range . I’m listening to your Long way from Disney short story series now and I am looking forward to Everyone Pays which I have pretty – ordered from Coles Indigo here in Ontario Canada. Guess I have to put in time with the other short stories and such that you have on until I get Everyone Pays.
Keep up the great work.