
THE MALTESE JORDANS – what I’m doing

Listen to the new audio here. Or read on…
Last week marked 8 years for me at Jack Palms Crime! But you know what’s a real anniversary? May 5th, which I originally called Cinco de Harwood back in 2009, when Three Rivers Press released Jack Wakes Up for its second time in print. That was a big release for me; Three Rivers Press / Crown / Random House put my first novel in bookstores from coast to coast. What a thrill!

And now, eight years later, I’m ready to bring Jack Palms back in the same way that I originally brought him out to the world: as a serialized podcast novel. It’s hard for me to believe that so much has changed since I started podcasting back in 2006, and in all I’ve done, I still haven’t found a better way to reach people than by giving them my serializing audio episodes as MP3s on the web.

That fact amazes me.

We’ve all come so far with technology, publishing has moved miles, and still I’ve come full circle to reach out to my audience again in the same way I did over eleven years ago. Know what? It’s still the best thing I’ve done, hopefully this next step will be a new “best thing” for me.
What’s new? Well, now I’m using, a hybrid of Podiobooks and Kickstarter that enables me to build a consistent, sustainable crowdfunding model along with the RSS and direct distribution of my audio right to listeners.

So it’s a big thing, one I’ve seen other writers use so well that I’m moved to try my own hand at it. Want to know more?

Most recently, I did a Q&A all about it last week that you can listen to here.

And the new JACK PALMS adventure? I’m happy to tell you that I am more excited about this title than any other book I’ve done to date. This one is called The Maltese Jordans and it’s gonna be fun! You can hear more about The Maltese Jordans here. Then subscribe to get episodes as soon as they release for a small fee, and see me spinning out videos of what I’m all about. All right here:

I hope to see you there.